Nice to Meet You.

Cat Tricks 101

A crash course into the basics

    1. Clicking at meal time

    2. Gestures & Commands

    3. Change your environment

    4. Troubleshooting

    5. Give us Feedback

    1. Meet Athena

    2. Click & Reward System

    3. A successful environment

    4. Your motivation

    1. 1. Hold their paws

    2. 2: Hold out your hand

    3. Follow up

    1. Hi-five

    2. That's all for now!

    3. Rate this course

    4. New Lesson

About this course

  • $15.00

But cats are wild, independent, and free...

Seems too good to be true! And yet, a cat's love language is food. Unleash your cat's potential. We'll break down each trick into tiny little cat steps, so your cat can follow along at its own pace.

About Athena

Athena is a wide-eyed beauty who enjoys the world from the 19th floor of our small apartment. She loves to "werk" from home with her mom and dad. She's the cuddliest kitchen vacuum and is surprisingly very social.
Cat stretching

About Lane

Your instructor

Hello! I'm a classic Tiger-Asian-Cat-Mom. I still cringe when I hear myself on camera, but I love showing off my cat. I live in Vancouver, BC, and I love the outdoorsy lifestyle and focus on mental wellness. I try not get lost in the rat race of life.
Headshot of Lane